Catalog Design
New catalog design and layout for the Wilkes Chamber annual publication to highlight businesses and events in the county.

Brochure Design
New brochure layout as part of a new campaign launch to highlight all elements of the businesses products, markets, technologies and capabilities.

Brochure Design
Brochure design created to highlight local Airpark.

Marketing Collateral
Market Sell Sheets & Case Studies were created to highlight markets and to promote printing capabilities.

Sticker Decal & Poster
Buy Local campaign created for the Wilkes Chamber. This promotion was used to encourage residents to purchase from local, hometown business in Wilkes County.

Rack Card
New Rack Card created to match campaign branding. This card was used as a leave behind and at conferences in the booth display.

Industrial Safety - Catalog Design
Created promotional catalog, including the design and layout, to highlight key business products. Photographed all products and products in use throughout the catalog.

Industrial Safety - Typography Poster
Poster was created for new campaign to create brand awareness - used in trade shows and conferences.

William Caslon - English Typefounder
Typography Poster

Saturday Delivery Program
Typography Poster was created to promote the Saturday Delivery program of Samaritan's Kitchen. All elements of this campaign was created, including logo and website.